His Servant - Chapter 12

While still with our first doctor, he mentioned that he knew of a person that would be willing to give us private birthing classes.  Since this was our first birth, we didn’t know what to expect, we were very much in favor of being able to take classes that would help us prepare for childbirth.  He had the nurse check with this person to see if they would be willing to do these classes for us.  They said that they would be willing to do this and told the nurse just to give us her number if we were interested.

This is how we met one of God’s very special servant’s.  She lived in Kalamazoo with her husband and two children.  She has taken on a very special task that God has obviously given her.  She conducts child birth classes from a biblical point of view.  She incorporates the Bible into every aspect of the childbirth class.

We decided that we were interested in the class, but didn’t really decide for a couple of weeks concerning this.  Finally, we decided to call her and asked her about the class.  Of course, she wasn’t home so we left a message for her.  I believe that it was a week or so before we called again, since we hadn’t heard anything from her.  We left another message.  After several more messages, she finally called us back at work.  She spoke with Pam concerning what was going on.  She said that she was willing to do the class, but thought that we could probably do an intensive and do it all in one night.  Only later did we find out why it took her so long to call us back.  Satan was once again interfering in God’s plan for us.  It appears that she was helping someone else through another experience.  But God finished that project so that she could turn her attention toward us.  She said later that she was very apprehensive about doing something like this for us.  She didn’t really want to do it.  However, God kept bringing us up in her mind.  He would not let her forget us.  She knew that it was God’s plan and finally called us.

We decided that we would contact one another closer to the time that our child was going to be born.  So we left it at that.

Lessons Learned

  •  If you are going through an experience with a baby that will be born without a brain and this is your first pregnancy, ask your doctor if he knows someone who can do private birth classes.  Sitting through regular birth class would have been incredibly hard but having to explain over and over what is wrong with your baby.  Another suggestion might be to call the several local hospitals and ask if they know anyone who might do something like this.
  • If you know someone who is will have an anencephalic baby, with their permission, do some calling and see if you can find someone who specializes in private birthing classes with a religious emphasis.
  • Bible Verse for this chapter: “What is the price of five sparrows—two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. Luke 12:6-7